Water Ski


Frequently asked questions

Q: So the MetClub has interesting programs but is there a political, religious or other orientation?

A: No - there is no hidden agenda. The Club was founded in the early 1950s to promote friendship and understanding between two former enemies - Germans and Americans - and now we have members from over a dozen countries who organize programs themselves on a wide variety of topics all of which aid in accomplishing the original goals.

Q: What is the membership fee and what is the advantage in becoming a member?

A: Only 36 € per year - married couples as well as students receive a discount. Most programs are free, however cultural events which have an entrance fee (such as Theatre) are discounted around 5 € for members so that it is easily possible to recoup the yearly membership fee.. .

Q: Do I need to be a member to attend?

A: Absolutely not - it is fine to attend events to get a feel for the people and programs - once you feel comfortable you can become a member and save on entrance fees to some events and contribute your ideas by organizing a program yourself.

Q: How do I become a member?

A: Simple - just see here: How to become a member . We only ask that you contribute by organizing a program regularly and attend those programs that interest you.

Q: What is the average age?

A: We have members and guest from all ages, with a core between 25 and 45 and the average in the mid 30s or so. We have roughly the same number of males and females. Young and active people are strongly encouraged to check out our programs since we need their lifeblood!

Q: Do I need to speak English well?

A: Not really - most members speak English pretty well but if you would like to practice and improve your English, you may like this opportunity which is quite social and enjoyable. We have only a handful of native speakers so the goal is communication so there is no pressure to be perfect.

Q: What kind programs are organized?

A: Our members organize a wide variety - cultural events include theatre, opera, and museum visits as well as tours of theatres including backstage. Educational programs include lectures about members’ visits to distant lands (including photos), visits to construction sites (like the new convention center, the plan for Stuttgart 21 new train station or the Praguesattel tunnel), and visits to castles, firehouses, and nearby towns with a historical guide. Social activities ranges from bicycle trips, waterskiing, canoeing, hiking, rock-climbing, paragliding, volleyball, restaurant tours and trips to see American football or baseball games. Every your we take a long weekend excursion to an interesting city like Paris, Berlin, Lyon, Leipzig, Amsterdam, Kiel, etc as well as having a ski weekend. Of course as well as a Christmas partly for all members and friends.

Q: What does the Board do?

A: The Board meets every 2 month to manage the running of the club. The Board makes decisions concerning the spending of club funds, how to promote the club and attract new members, what types of programs may be done (like the yearly excursion or where to hold the yearly Christmas party) the acceptance of new members, the look and content of the homepage as well as relationships with related organizations. Elected positions include President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Appointed positions include Program Manager, Publicity Manager, Membership Manager, Homepage Meister and liaisons for related organizations such as the Deutsch-Amerkanische Zentrum and the Conversation Club.

Q: How do I become a Board Member?

A: First become a member and demonstrate involvement by organizing some programs. Then ask about joining - a Board position does not take up too much time and you may learn much, contribute a lot and enjoy the satisfaction of making a difference!